Write an essay on Failed Purchase.
Paper must be at least 250 words.
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Having already spent a total of $706 on repairs, I feel that the machine I was given was defective from the very start and should be replaced at no cost to me by the company. To begin with, the service man sent to me by the company was not as accommodating as he could have been when I asked him about certain charges in the bill he presented to me. The work that he did on the machine was unsatisfactory as the problems of the machine only got worse from the time that he replaced the main control panel in April. These days the machine simply refuses to make copies and merely rolls out blank sheets of paper when one tries to make copies on it.
Although your customer care hotline did their best to help me resolve the problem, it seems that the problem goes far beyond the user manual provided to both the user and your technical support staff. Since this piece of equipment cost me over $8000.00 to purchase, I feel that a show of good faith is in order from your end. I would appreciate it if you could pull out the unit and have it troubleshot free of charge at the service center. Since the lack of a functioning copier has a direct impact on my business, I would highly appreciate it if your company can provide me with a “loaner” copier while this unit is repaired. I am open to further discussing my problem with you in order to rectify a situation that has become a tremendous inconvenience on my part that was caused by the questionable quality of your copy machines. I am looking forward to hearing from the person in charge of this problem.