Book Data Structure using C++Chapter 5, exercise 1, 12, 13, 141)
(Online Address Book Revisited) Programming Exercise 9 in Chapter 3 could handle a maximum of only 500 entries.
a. .Using linked lists, rewrote the program specified in Exercise 9 in Chapter 3 to handle as many entries as required.1) Added data structure for node that contained info and a link pointer2) Pointers defined for the first, last and new nodes. The following operations were added
b. Add a new entry to the address book
c. Delete an entry from the address book c. When the program terminates, write the data in the address to a disk. (addressBookType::saveData (ofstream& outFile)12) (Linked List with Header and Trailer Nodes) This chapter defined and identifed various operation on a linked list with header and trailer nodes.
a. Write the definitions of the class that defines a linked list with header and trailer nodes as an ADT.1) Data structures for node2) Pointer to the first node3) Pointer to the min item4) Pointer to the max item
b. Write the definitions of the member functions of the class defined in (a) (You may assume that the elements of the linked list with header and trailer nodes are in ascending order.)1) Initialize list2) Destroy the list3) Print the list4) Search for a given item in the list5) Insert and item in the list6)
Delete an item from the list7) Copy the list Please ask for the assignment and I will provide it as it will not let me post it within this question