Create a 1 page essay that discusses Peter Kropotkin, Matual aid tis, 1-3,7-8.Today, capitalism becomes an arena for competition in which the stronger species push the weaker ones into extinction instead of helping them survive. In the context of politics and civil society, Kropotkin’s view on mutual aid is closely related to John Locke’s second treatise of government. The central concept of Locke’s Second Treatise of Government is democracy and liberalism, which also take root in the concepts of mutually beneficial partnerships, cooperation, and freedom.
For Locke, human societies strive to establish comprehensible laws and standards of behavior specifying freedom, equality, and cooperation to ensure the protection of their people and properties. Considering the ideas of Locke and Kropotkin, it can be said that the role of the government in human societies is to establish mutual aid for collaborative support and defense. Thus, in the context of Locke’s Second Treatise of Government, Kropotkin’s idea of mutual aid is significant as it would guide the government to design goals that would establish global.